🚀 Start here I 📅 1: Reflect on the past Year I 👩🏽🎓 2: Learning from the Past I 🔮 3: Future Casting I 📈 4: Plan your next Year I 🌐 My Yearly Review (Overview)
<aside> 💡 Nearly done!
Time to bring everything together and turn your insights into action with this last step.
Based on your Annual Review so far, pick out three goals for 2022 and run them through the Action Incubator
. Why go through all this effort instead of just starting to work towards your goals? Well, unfortunately, we are generally pretty bad at sticking to our New Year resolutions - health related goals for example usually survive until January 19th of the new year.
The Action Incubator
is designed to help you over this hurdle and make sure that the deck is stacked in your favour when it comes to your yearly goals.
💡 Take a look to the right and quickly review the letter to yourself, what you learned from last year and your guiding intentions for this year. With all of that in mind, what are your three goals
for 2022?
If you need some more structure for this open question, have a look at these areas where goals could arise from: