🚀 Start here I 📅 1: Reflect on the past Year I 👩🏽🎓 2: Learning from the Past I 🔮 3: Future Casting I 📈 4: Plan your next Year I 🌐 My Yearly Review (Overview)
<aside> 🎉 YOU DID IT! 🎉
You took the time to sit down and finish a very thorough Personal Annual Review. Congratulations
! Your Future Self will thank you.
This page contains your complete review on one page - that's the beauty of using Notion.
And don't forget: if you use this template for next year's review too, you'll be able to directly compare your answers and see how much you've grown in just one year
<aside> ❓ This once-a-year-big-review is great to look at the big picture of your life.
But how about the day-to-day?
Regular, small review cycles are crucial to make sure you stay on track during the year.
I'm currently building the Ultimate Journal & Review Pack
to help you
👉🏼 Get a head-start for 2022 and pre-order it here for 75% off the regular price.